
My brother Ben and I started Enable Me Now in 2023 after we helped a family friend with multiple sclerosis figure out their iPhone. This act got us thinking about the tech hurdles many face, and how teens like us could help.

I’ve always been drawn to STEM, and my experience with Girls Who Code opened my eyes to how tech can genuinely benefit people. I even had a hand in building the website you’re on! Ben just started at Brooklyn Tech, a specialized high school with a focus on engineering.

We started our workshops at a NYC Department of Parks & Recreation Senior Recreation Center in our neighborhood, people really love the help and it’s fulfilling for us to give back.

In the workshops we provide a list of features people can get help on, and they often come with their own questions. Most common are managing transit apps, dealing with email spam, setting reminders, and adjusting settings.  People also help each other after learning something new.

Our goal is to grow Enable Me Now across Brooklyn and other cities, showing other teens how their existing tech sills can be channeled to assist others.


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